Angela Wells

Angela Wells

Co-founder of NLP Conference India

Angela Wells is the co-founder and organizer of the NLP Conference India, held for the first time last year in Mumbai, India. The conference is about bringing together the Indian NLP community in new and collaborative ways not previously experienced until now.

She is an NLP Coach, Trainer, and workshop facilitator as well as a keen traveler.

Angela began her NLP training with Dr. Richard Bandler and Paul Mckenna in 2001 and has since trained with the likes of Sue Knight, Tristan Soames, and Judith Lowe.

Having worked in asset management for many years she has seen and experienced how unhappy so many people are within the corporate world and wanted to empower others to go for what they want and to live the life of their dreams.

Session Details

Giving Yourself and Others A Good Listening To.

Listening is the power behind any interaction. And how well we listen has everything to do with where we listen from – a quiet space, with not much on our minds, and a feeling of calm, clarity, and wellbeing. From this place, connection with another person happens naturally.

Join me for this interactive session where we’ll take a fresh look at the nature of listening, and explore the preconditions for listening to ourselves and others, in a way that will increase your impact in any conversation, whether you’re a coach, leader, parent, or friend.

20th March
View Schedule

Session Details – 2020

A Pause For Thought

A small pause to come together as a community and reflect on the day’s sessions.

What are some takeaways and how will you be incorporating the learnings in the coming days and weeks?

What will this mean to you and for you as a result of integrating these learnings?

What does this now make more possible for you?

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