Ashdin Doctor

Ashdin Doctor

The Habit Coach

Ashdin Doctor is also known as The Habit Coach™. He started the Habit Coaching industry in 2016.

He works with CEOs, Entrepreneurs and their families to create habits that help them feel energy, vitality and wellness.

Ashdin is also the host of The Habit Coach Podcast, which is one of the top podcasts in the wellness category with over 1500+ episodes.

He is the author of Three Best Selling Books:
“Change your Habits Change your Life” –Published by Harper Collins
“The Book of Good Habits for Kids” –Published by Harper Collins
“One Habit a Day- 31 Habits to transform your life”- Published by Westland


06th April
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Session Details – 2025

Using Habits As The Tool For Change

As a Habit Coach I believe that “Awesome Lives Start With Awesome Habits”. The lives that we have now, are a function of the habits that we subconsciously picked up over our lives. And if you want to live a different kind of life, evolve it, we need to change our habits.

In this session we will learn the following:

  • What are Habits
  • Understanding Where our sub-conscious habits come from
  • Creating a strong intention for change
  • Using the three Golden Rules for habit change
  • Bad Habits vs Good Habits
  • Building a life with conscious habits

    Join this session if you are:
  • A coach looking to learn a new tool.
  • An individual looking to make a change in their life

These are the outcomes for the session:

  • Break free from daily frustrations by changing your habits
  • How our lives are a function of our subconscious habits
  • How to create New Habits
  • How to break old Habits
  • Understanding the rules of consistency
  • The three Golden Rules of Habit Change

21st March
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Session Details – 2020

Creating Ownership for Business Goals

This session will teach you the secrets of taking personal responsibility and ownership for
achieving business and coaching goals and objectives. Lean to use NLP skills for:

  • Taking more personal responsibility and accountability for actions
  • Creating actionable goals and objectives
  • Moving from a problem focused mindset to a solution focused mindset
  • Developing more creative and flexible ways of thinking and working
  • Become motivated and energised about achieving goals and objectives
  • Creating a roadmap for moving forward and taking action
  • Overcoming limited beliefs and building more self confidence
  • During this session you will have the time to practice what you are learning with others so
    that you take away the skills, that you can instantly put into action with yourself, the people
    you work with and coach.

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