Change Your Habits – Change Your Life

Learn how to create or break habits effortlessly to create powerful change in yourself or others.
Here you'll find the details of the session:

Mastering NLP Advanced Communication Skills with RAFT and SPLATR Models

Integrate RAFT and SPLATR Models into your existing NLP practice to enhance your ability to gather precise information, set well-formed outcomes and navigate between your clients’ internal and external worlds.
Here you'll find the details of the session:

Provocative Coaching

Learn how to bring change in thinking, perspective and state to others trough Provocative Coaching!
Here you'll find the details of the session:

Spark Business Success

Discover the road map of a healthy thriving business through the principles and discoveries of Success Factor Modelling developed by Robert Dilts.
Here you'll find the details of the session:

mBraining – Using Your Multiple Brains

Discover how to use your multiple brains for continuing development, rigour and credibility.
Here you'll find the details of the session:

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