Kerry Nickols

Kerry Nickols
NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer
Kerry believes that we are not our end product and that the fun is in the making. Bringing curiosity and a sprinkle of mischief, she combines NLP (Master Practitioner and Trainer), Executive Coaching and Financial Services leadership experience to help develop people. Kerry offers NLP training and works with large corporates globally designing and implementing coaching and development strategies.

20th March
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Session Details – 2020

How NLP Helps Us Thrive In The Age of Digital

Over 100 years ago Max Weber, a German historian and sociologist, predicted that certain work practices such as authoritative hierarchy, silo-working and bureaucracy would lead to de-humanising and potential-limiting environments. This hangover from previous industrial ages needs a remedy; the Digital Age demands new human qualities, not just an accumulation of evermore hard skills.

What once was an opportunity to ‘human up’ is now vital.

Come and join Kerry Nickols as she shares the possibilities available to each of us, thanks to NLP.

Attend her interactive talk and you’ll learn:

  • What is holding us back in the Age of Digital
  • Why it’s never been more important to change out-dated work practices.
  • How to thrive, and not just survive, by discovering you

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