Session 15: Timeline And Celebration

Description After a month of NLP, the final session explored NLP Timeline techniques in the form of Treasure Chest and Future Pacing. The NLP Practitioners…

Session 14: The TOTE Model

Description In the penultimate session of the NLP Practitioner Program, the practitioners brought all their learning together with the TOTE model. They explored the TOTE…

Session 13: Milton Model

Description Becoming influential communicators in this session. The NLP Practitioners were introduced to the Milton model and its hypnotic and influential language patterns. They learned…

Session 11: Reframing

Description This session was on the NLP model of reframing. The practitioners worked with their problem statements to linguistically reframe them. Later on they experienced…

Session 10: Parts Integration

Description The powerful NLP technique of Parts Integration was explored in the 10th session of the program. They initially unpacked their conflicting parts with clean…

Session 7: Meta Programs

Description In the second week of the NLP Practitioner Program, the group has gone deeper into identities. This time exploring their patterns through the NLP…

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